Air Handling & Packaged Units

SASA has developed a range of air handling units with several options for a wide variety of applications. From a simple AHU to a fully automatically-controlled AHU suitable for both Industrial and Commercial use. The SASA Air handling units can be used indoor and outdoor. SASA AHU are made from Aluminum Section as standard or seawater resistance. This means lower weight and a longer lifespan. The SASA AHU is a highly developed, premium quality product that can be adjusted to the customer’s requirements.

Air Handling Unit

SASA Metal Industries growth can be attributed to the fact that from the very inception, it has been operating under a policy of constant development by always utilizing some of the most advanced technological system available in Pakistan. Our products are designed through internationally recognized design software from reputed European Firms. A work force of highly qualified engineers and technicians make SASA Metal Industries one of the best AHUS manufacturers in Pakistan. These units are made specifically for places like malls, factories, and big industries. They make sure the air is just right – not too humid, not too hot or cold. Our Air handling unit use smart technology to save energy and keep working smoothly. Choose Sasa Metal for clean, comfortable air wherever you are

Key Feature Of Air Handling Unit

Air Handling Units (AHUs) are like the lungs of a building, ensuring the air inside is clean and comfortable. They start by drawing in air from outside or within the building, filtering out dust and pollutants. Next, they adjust the air’s temperature and humidity using heating or cooling coils and humidifiers. Once conditioned, a powerful fan circulates the air throughout the building via ducts. Some AHUs also mix in fresh outdoor air for better ventilation. Throughout this process, advanced control systems monitor and optimize air quality and energy efficiency. In essence, AHUs work tirelessly behind the scenes to keep indoor environments healthy and pleasant.

Air Handling Units (AHUs) are used in a wide range of commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings to maintain indoor air quality and comfort. Some common places where AHUs are used include:

  • Shopping malls
  • Factories and industrial facilities
  • Office buildings
  • Hospitals and healthcare facilities
  • Hotels
  • Data centers